We inform you, pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 that www.enricopruni.it will proceed 'to the processing of personal data you provide in accordance with the legislation on protection of personal data. The provision of data and 'optional but a refusal to submit them determines the inability' to respond to any requests for information.
The personal information you provide is collected mode 'Technology and treated, even with the help of electronic means, directly and / or through third party representatives (company' delivery) for the following purposes ': (1) purposes' related services 'sending general information; (2) purposes' statistics, sending advertising material, including through the use of electronic mail.
In any case, your data will not be disclosed (if not a company 'for home delivery) or sold to third parties. Within www.enricopruni.it data you may be known only by those specifically charged with operating departments Information Systems, Marketing, Administration and Accounting ', Customer Service.
Under Article. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, you have the right at any time to obtain from the data processor information on the processing of your data, its mode 'and purposes' and the logic applied to it as well': (1) the confirmation of the data and their communication and their origin; (2) the identity of the owner and managers as well as 'the persons or classes of persons to whom the data may be communicated or who may come to knowledge in' managers or agents; (3) updating, rectification and integration of data; (4) the cancellation, anonymization or blocking of data in violation of law; (5) confirmation that the operations referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 have been made known to those to whom the data were communicated and disseminated, with the exception of cases where this proves impossible or involves a of means disproportionate to the protected right; (6) to oppose: the processing of data, even though they are 'relevant to the purpose of collection, for legitimate reasons; the processing of data for purposes of commercial information or for carrying out market research. The treatment: Enrico Pruni.